New Hope Ministries
This ministry provide direct assistance to the pastor, those ministering in his absence, and overall security of the church facilities
Deaconess & Mothers
This ministry consists of Christ sealed men, joined to the Pastor and the people causing us to effectively minister to the people, take the pressure off the Pastor, and promote the Kingdom of God (2 Tim 2:2).
This ministry welcomes and assists congregants as needed throughout worship services.
D.O.V.E. Womens Ministry
This ministry provides biblical teaching related to the role of the woman in the family and community, identifying and addressing the needs of women, as well as coordinating event and activities that help women balance life spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally and financially.
This ministry ensures every person entering the church is greeted and visitors are offered assistance as appropriate.
This ministry serves leaders and guests during their dining experience following worship services through cooking and hosting.
Media Ministry
This ministry ensures all audible and visual equipment is used for the advancement of the worship experience, as well as records all worship services.
Men of Standard Mens Ministry
This ministry seeks to provide biblical teaching related to the role of men inthe family and community, identifying and addressing the needs of men, as well as coordinating events and activities that help men balance life spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially.
Ministerial Alliance
This ministry supports the Pastor as elders and ministers in the effort of preaching and teaching.
New Members
This ministry provides doctrinal teaching, beliefs, and general church information to new members of the church.
Sunday School
This ministry seeks to educate God's people so they may fulfull their ordained destiny through God's Word (Matt 28:19; 2 Tim 2:15; Heb 3:13).
Worship & Arts Ministry
This ministry ministers to the Lord's people through various forms of music, song and dance
Youth Ministry
This ministry provides biblical teaching related to the role of youth in the family and community, providing activities in a Christian environment for fellowship and fun learning.